Thursday, September 17, 2009


                     The "Esther" study by Beth Moore (from Lifeway Publishing.) I have been anxious to dive in to this study for about a year now- since I first learned last summer it was coming out. Now, almost a year since it was released in November 2008, I got my first taste of this wonderful work last night at the first night of the Wednesday Night "working women's" Bible study at Portland Christian Center. I must say, like everything I have studied by Beth Moore, I was captivated from the beginning of the introductory video lesson. I have decided to "blog" as I go through this study. It is not to copy others, but to help me push my own self and share more deeply with the others as I go deep in the wonderful Word of God. So here it goes...         

                     The book of Esther. I must confess...even as a Sunday school teacher this is one story I am familiar with, but have not really gone too deeply into. I only really know small pieces of the story. I remember bits of Esther not feeling worthy or beautiful enough to replace the magnificent queen. I remember she took a major chance to ask her husband, the King, to save her Jewish ancestors from the harm that was about to come to them. I remember the phrase "for such a time as this." That is basically it. That phrase I have always loved- as do many women- so that is one reason I named my blog as such. The other

is my own way to assure me that God does have a purpose to fulfill through me...I just must be open as to not miss the chance. 

                     Until I read the forward, I had never realized nor heard that this book of the Bible did not contain the name of God in any way at all. Definitely an eye opener. In the video, however, I loved how Beth described the providence of God and that God is in the book, even if his name isn't, and the book is filled with hope. I think every woman could use some hope in our day to day lives as we try to be every thing to every one.  I loved the verse she threw out....Ephesians 1:11 (NIV):  In Him (God) we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will.".....such powerfully inspiring words that the Lord gave Paul then and wants us to hold in hearts today. I often worry about things way too much and want to know the future right now. I struggle with patience for sure. so, when reading this is gives me such assurance and yet another reminder that even when I am frustrated that I don't know all of the whens and hows and whats and wheres, that God does know and it is in His hands.

                    One of the biggest things that struck me (even though it really shouldn't have) is how universal the struggle with yielding, balance, and, yes, hormones really are among women. I can't tell you how many hours I have wondered how do I fit in this world with everyone else and with God, how can I possible finish everything that I need to get done, and why I go from yelling to crying in a split second.  

                    The last item I want to mention in this intro blog is this weeks "scenario":  It is tough being a woman in another woman's shadow....WOW. Have I ever lived those words in many, many unique ways in many very different situations. I am so excited for this week's homework to see what comes from that while ready through Esther- Chapter 1.

                   I am so encouraged by the intro video that God, yet again and as only He can, is bringing me these lesson at just the right time when I really need it. My heart is open, God. I read the story of Esther to find my own story. I am ready for the whole "megillah."

1 comment:

  1. Dear Robbyn - I am so excited to read your insights on the study. The discussion time -- no matter how long it is -- just goes too quickly!

    I too am glad she has mentioned hormones. I truly can be a jekyl and hyde!

    Bring on the whole "megillah"!
